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Kwatera Raj pod Jabłonią

Sobór Świętej Trójcy w Hajnówce

Kolejka wąskotorowa Hajnówka-Białowieża

Zalew Siemianówka

Parafia rzymskokatolicka pw. św. Teresy od Dzieciątka Jezus

Cerkiew pw. św. Mikołaja

Skansen Architektury Drewnianej Podlasia

Park Pałacowy z XIX wieku, Muzeum Przyrodniczo-Leśne

Rezerwat Ścisły Puszczy Białowieskiej

Rezerwat Pokazowy Żubrów

Cerkiew św. Mikołaja Cudotwórcy

pw. św. Piotra Apostoła

We feel it is worth visiting:

• Białowieża and Białowieża Forest, which has a unique wealth of flora and fauna. Values of the Białowieza Forest Region are available through well-developed network of hiking trails and nature trails.
• Be sure to visit in Białowieża
Showpiece Bison Reserve
Strict Nature Reserve of Białowieża Forest
Museum of Natural Forests
Palace Park from the 19th century
Open-Air Museum of Wooden Architecture
Orthodox church of St. Nicholas
Church of St. Teresa
• In Hajnówka worth seeing is the Orthodox church of St. Trinity, which is one of the most interesting examples of contemporary architecture in Poland. Annually in May there is held International Festival- “Hajnówka Orthodox Church Music Days”.
You can also go for a ride into the narrow-gauge railway in the Białowieża Forest. There are two routes Hajnówka-Topiło (11km.) and Hajnówka-Postołowo (6km.).
• To enjoy the rare birds and plants as well as peace and quiet, the trip over an artificial body of water called lake Siemianówka, an area of 3,250 ha (Lake Wigry is smaller by more than 1000 ha).

Kwatera Raj pod Jabłonią Lewkowo Stare 2 17-220 Narewka